How to use Pregnancy Test Kit?

Pregnancy test kit is the best method to know whether you are pregnant or not.  They can help you to know whether you are pregnant or not at your home only.  According to the experts the pregnancy kit can give correct results if used according to the instructions of the manufacturer.

A systematized survey conducted in the year 1998 showed that - when victimized by experts, pregnancy check kits gave results as truth as the region testing i.e. 97.4%. However, when the similar attempt test was utilized by consumers the proportionality of test accuracy falls to 75%. The difference is due to inability to see or upraise the manual on the kit.

Steps to use pregnancy Test

1. Pregnancy Test kits are stored in refrigerators so that their temperature can be maintained so before using it make sure that the kit temperature rise up to room temperature.

2. It would be best to use it on the very first day of missed period.

3. The test can be done any time in the day but it is recommended to perform the test early in the morning because the urine is not diluted by other fluids.

4. Pregnancy Hormone (hCG) gets diluted if you drink any liquid, so don’t drink anything before conducting the test.

General Instructions for using Pregnancy Kit

1. Pregnancy kit can direct you many ways and it varies from manufacturer to manufacture.

2. Some of the kits may direct to put the urine drops and others may direct for direct pee. So read the instructions carefully before using.

3. The results can be obtained by various graphical methods like + or – sign, it can be through strips that all depends upon the manufacturer.

4. If the conduct is negative attempt the test after 72 hours, it may have shown negative result due to low level of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), so do try after 72 hours.

5. If the test is positive, it’s highly recommended to visit your doctor and have further checkups.  The further examinations will reveal the real happiness for you. 

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