What are the intercourse/sexual problems in men?

This question is searched by most of the men.  There can be many problems in case of men too.  Here we have discussed some of the most common.

1.      Erectile Dysfunction
It is also termed as impotency.  In this the penis is not able to get erection to have sex.  To sustain an erection there must be good flow of blood, hence it leads to erectile dysfunction.  It can be first sign for cardiac or vascular disease.  One has to control its obesity rate, smoking, cholesterol level and other risk factors. Viagra, Cialis can be used as drugs under medical supervision for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

2.     Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome
It is also known as hypogonadism, it can affect bone health, energy level, muscle strength and changing mood apart from sexual performance.  Testosterone replacement therapy is such as with a gel can help alleviate symptoms. Regular follow-up, though, is needed to ensure that you reach a reasonable range of testosterone, not an “NFL kind of level

3.     Peyronie’s Disease
In this disease the penis gets narrowed.  This condition is painful and prevents you from having intercourse.  Deformation of the penis takes place by scar tissue.  It can occur with regard to previous injury.  It appears ad hard lump mostly located at the top of the organ.  In most of the cases the pain goes away after years but curvature remains there. Modern science can treat it by injecting some drugs into scar tissue and thus resulting in straight organ

4.     Prolonged Erection
It is also known as Priapism.  Some men find the erection to more than 4 hours.  This is really embarrassing sometimes.  This needs careful attention.  Permanent damage can be the result if not treated within eight hours.  The cause for this may be the drugs used for treating dysfunction.  This is side effect of Viagra.  Surgery is the only alternative; needle is used to remove excess of blood from the penis.

5.     Ejaculatory Dysfunctions
Premature ejaculation within 2 minutes of intercourse is mostly observed in men.  Around 1/3 of men suffer from this.  It is the most common dysfunction among men under forty (40).  There are only few treatments for this.  One option is Antidepressant.  Sensation can be decreased by using anesthetics directly over penis that increases ejaculation time.

To stay fit in the bedroom, sometimes you need expert advice. Don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor about these performance issues.  Beside from advise stay fit, have regular exercise and meditate every day for increasing focus power.  Try to talk to your partner about your problems and feelings to her.  This all can help you a lot to make better intercourse experience.


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